With the time those of you who admire mainboards on non-Intel chipsets get more and more arguments for their point ofview. Of course, the main argument has been known for a long time already: only a mainboard on VIA Apollo Pro133A can supportall the today's coolest features (such as AGP 4x mode, UltraDMA/66 and 133MHz FSB), perform quite well and at the same timehave a reasonable price. As we have already mentioned in our reviews, the main opponent of VIA Apollo Pro133A is i820, whichshows relatively low performance in combination with SDRAM. However, the opinion that all mainboards built on VIA chipsets arevery unstable, makes most users consider i440BX the best today's chipset, which is absolutely unfair to VIA. In this review wewill try to help you get rid of this prejudice.
First of all, VIA Apollo Pro133A based mainboards attracted Tyan - a famous American mainboard manufacturer known for itsserver solutions and high quality products. And secondly, another well-known manufacturer - Micron chose these particularmainboards on VIA chipset for its Millenia Max PC family. That is why all problems with the mainboards on VIA chipsetsusually occur not because of the chipset errors but because of the negligence and inaccuracy of some mainboard manufacturers,who try to make their products as cheap as possible at any rate. Sure, VIA Apollo Pro133A, as any other new chipset, was notdeprived of some defects, which could crop up if the system was equipped with certain graphics cards. However, all the latestchipset and driver revisions are very likely to be absolutely correct and improved by the time you are reading this review.
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